how to clean dust from house after remodel
Cropped image of man cleaning dust on wooden table at home

For those who can afford it, home renovation is the realization of a dream. Refurbishing an apartment is the goal that follows many sacrifices. The jobs can last a long time and be very tiring. However, it is worth investing your money in such a project. But at the end of the renovation, the work certainly doesn’t stop there. Yes, because the work on the house is followed by the dreaded post-renovation cleaning. Those who will take on this task will have to roll up their sleeves and find many hours of free time. But how to clean dust from house after remodel and which products or services to use?

How to clean dust from house after remodel?

You will need:

  • Microfiber cloths
  • A scraper
  • Water
  • Buffered acid
  • Ammonia
  • Bathroom cleaners
  • House degreaser
  • Marseille soap (liquid)
  • Broom
  • Floor rag
  • Rubber gloves
  • Mask
  • Broom shovel
  • Bucket
  • Trash bags
  • Sodium bicarbonate

how to clean dust from house after remodel

Sign an agreement with the renovation firm

Post-renovation cleaning will require more hands and a lot of elbow grease. To speed up the work we can take advantage of a service that makes the difference, with a slight additional expense. Many renovation companies offer the first post-cleaning service. If we want to take advantage of this opportunity, we sign a contract with one of the companies offering this service. The cleanliness of the firm will not be particularly deep. But employees will remove the most superficial dirt and processing debris. After this phase, we will be able to intervene directly on the premises.

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Clean the premises from top to bottom

The golden rule of post-renovation cleaning is one: to start from dust and residues on the surfaces. In fact, we will have to sweep away dust and residues from the surfaces present and then from the floor. After that, it will act from top to bottom. That is to say that the subsequent cleaning will be dedicated to fixtures and windows. We first create a mixture of water and ammonia with which to clean and disinfect the glass. We use a soft microfiber cloth to not scratch the windows. If you have paint stains, we use practical scraper to remove them. We can use the same mixture to clean the fixtures, as long as the material is not sensitive to ammonia.

Clean doors and sanitary ware

If present, let’s move on to cleaning the radiators with a duvet to be inserted into the grooves. We can adopt water and detergent for the external part. We then clean the doors, using water and a degreaser. Also, in this case, the scraper for patches of paint can be useful. In the bathroom, we use abrasive sponges only on rough surfaces. Let’s rely on microfiber otherwise. For sanitary ware we can use the usual industrial products, leaving them to act and then rinse. If limescale is present, we use anti-limescale to polish the surfaces. The joints between tiles can be cleaned with a brush and sodium bicarbonate with water.

Clean the floors

The final phase of post-renovation cleaning concerns the floors. The choice of detergents depends on the materials in use. Buffered acid may be perfect for non-polished porcelain stoneware. It can be diluted for light dirt or used purely for the more resistant one. For polished stoneware and marble, we can use an alkaline soap such as Marseille soap. On the other hand, we will remove all the dust from the parquet. Then we will pass a soft and well damp cloth. We also remind you that all taps must be protected with nylon bags before restructuring.

If we are in doubt about the quality of our work, we do not hesitate to contact a cleaning company experienced in the heaviest interventions. If we want to whitewash, do it only after all cleaning operations have been completed. We then proceed with the protection of furniture, fixtures and glass to shield them from paint stains. We use fabric or waterproof sheets.

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By Robi

Hi, I am Robi Chowdhury; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety; here is my blogs how to recover from anxiety and how to fight with anxiety. I hope everyone will like my blogs.

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