best plants for the balcony
Planting up balcony containers of Coleus with decorative foliage in Elho plastic pots brightly coloured Corsica Easy Hanger adapted for hanging on balcony railings summer annual bedding 3 steps hang up 21/07/15 21/07/2015 210715 21072015 21 21st July 2015 Summer Rosie Yeomans Sparsholt College Hampshire photographer Sarah Cuttle seasonal projects tasks maintenance step by step

If your space to place plants is limited and is limited to the balcony or terrace, we provide you with a list of those species that are ideal for that place. Depending on the sunlight that falls on our balconies we can grow one plant or another, so you have to be aware of the conditions when choosing. If you’re wondering what the best balcony plants are, our gorgeous selection includes hydrangeas, petunias, geraniums, and cape daisies.

Best plants for the balcony

This beautiful plant produces pink, blue or white flowers from spring to autumn, depending on the pH of the soil. That is why it is advisable to plant them in acidic soils, with an approximate pH of 4.5 to make them blue. Also, in order for them to appear pink, the soil must be alkaline, with a pH value of 6. And if you want white flowers, the soil must have higher alkalinity, hovering around a level 8.

As for its care, this plant requires a lot of humidity on the ground and must be fertilized frequently during flowering. Regarding its use on the balcony, it should be located in the shade, sheltered from the sun.

best plants for the balcony


Another ideal plant for your balcony is geranium. These need regular watering of the substrate, avoiding wetting their flowers. Regarding its colors, there is a wide range including white, salmon and red. Likewise, the fertilization must be done every two weeks, preferably during the growth process, to stimulate the development of the flowers. The light requirement varies depending on the species, as some need shade while others require many hours of sun.


Petunias need to be watered daily and abundantly in the flowering stage. Likewise, you should avoid both wetting the flowers and watering them in the hours of greatest solar intensity. On the other hand, it must be fertilized with a fertilizer that contains phosphorus every two weeks during flowering.

Cape Daisy

Originally from Africa, the Iberian climate is ideal for this resistant plant, which can even withstand the salt found in coastal areas. However, in cold seasons they must be protected against frost by covering the ground with pine or straw bark. These Cape Daisies only open fully when it’s sunny enough.

Other plants

Here is a list of other plants that you can have on your balcony:

Lilies: Ideal when there is no sunlight on the balcony.

Azaleas: Suitable option if the sun is moderate. However, as they grow so large they must be pruned to control their size.

Roses in different colors: If there is little light you can plant roses on your balcony.

The jasmine or gardenia: For those who want a heady aroma on their terraces.

Joy of the house: Preferably you should avoid sun exposure at noon because that would wither these beautiful flowers. Apart from this, it does not need great care.

Fern: If you are looking for a flowerless plant, this is a good option. The fern is leafy, making it ideal for placing in a hanging pot.

Bamboo: also without flowers, it adapts to the available light, although it must be pruned regularly because it grows quite high.

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By Robi

Hi, I am Robi Chowdhury; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety; here is my blogs how to recover from anxiety and how to fight with anxiety. I hope everyone will like my blogs.

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