Can you eat raw ginger

Ginger is a medicinal plant traditionally used in Asia. Still, the great benefits of its consumption have spread its use to the rest of the world, so it is becoming more and more common to take it to take advantage of its properties. In addition, it is a precious condiment at the gastronomic level, being included in this way in different dishes.

Despite taking into account the benefits of ginger, eating it raw carries certain health risks as long as it is not done properly. In addition, an excessive intake of this medicinal plant, in whatever format, can cause a series of side effects for the body. To discover more about the doubt about whether you can eat raw ginger, its benefits and contraindications, we recommend that you continue reading this article.

Can you eat raw ginger?

Can you eat raw ginger

You’ve probably heard that consuming ginger has many health benefits. However, many people wonder: what if I eat raw ginger? If you are one of them, you will be interested to know that, indeed, it is a natural product with excellent properties for the body, so you can eat it raw. What Foods Help Produce Collagen? Take These Vegetables

However, the problem lies in how raw ginger is consumed. You will only get all its benefits if you make a controlled and responsible consumption of the plant. You must inform yourself of the amount you can eat according to your age and health since, in case of suffering from any disease or affectation, the intake of ginger, or any other plant or medicine, must be measured even more. The side effects of this plant are the result of excessive consumption, so the great secret of eating raw ginger without endangering health is in a regulated intake.

In addition, it is important to note that avoiding raw ginger consumption on an empty stomach is essential to avoid stomach problems or irritations in the mouth.

What is the best way to consume ginger?

Once you have informed yourself of the recommended dose of ginger that you can eat according to your age and physical condition, you will need to know how to consume it. The most common way to take it, whether dry, fresh or powdered, is through infusions. So how is it better to take raw or boiled ginger? The truth is that its properties will be best used in the fresh and raw state, so you can eat a piece of ginger, but it is something that should be done sporadically, even many people cannot do it because raw is very spicy and can irritate plus the stomach. For this reason, formats such as a tea or an infusion of fresh ginger are still good options for taking full advantage of the properties and making it a little softer on the stomach. Here’s how to prepare one:

Ginger infusion step by step

  • Fill a pot with a liter of water.
  • Light a fire and, when the water starts to boil, add the ginger.
  • Let it boil for about 5 minutes and remove it from the heat.
  • Wait for the hot water with the ginger to stand for 4 more minutes.
  • Strain the liquid to remove the ginger pieces.
  • Serve the ginger infusion to drink.
  • Sweeten the infusion with a little honey or use lemon or cinnamon, depending on the flavor you prefer to enhance.

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Other ways to eat ginger

Essential oils: you must not exceed 9 drops divided into 3 daily doses.

Capsules: in general, you can take four a day (one every 8 hours), but always under the supervision of a medical specialist.

Kitchen: season meats and dress salads with ginger. In addition, it is a very common ingredient in recipes for Asian dishes.

Is taking ginger every day bad?

As stated above, the main danger of ginger consumption is that it is uncontrolled. Taking it in disproportionate and excessive amounts carries a series of health consequences. It is considered a medicinal plant, but it becomes a harmful product if you eat it in large doses.

You can take ginger every day and benefit from its properties. In no case is it bad, as long as you consume the right amount for your age and health. Therefore, you should consult with a doctor for how long you can ingest it and in what dose, since in some cases it cannot be taken daily or continuously.

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Properties and benefits of ginger

We can highlight that, among other nutrients, raw ginger provides vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and sodium to the body. These are the main properties and benefits of ginger:

  • Natural anticoagulant and vasodilator, helping to improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of suffering from some cardiovascular diseases.
  • It contains omega-3, which helps lower cholesterol.
  • It is a powerful pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. Therefore, it helps to relieve rheumatic, arthritic and joint pain.
  • Antibacterial power, reducing digestion problems caused by bacteria such as some cases of diarrhea and gas. It also reduces the risk of ulcers.

Thanks to ginger’s soothing and anti-inflammatory effects, its consumption is recommended for women who have pain and colic just before and during menstruation.

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