Can I Put a Motor on My Skateboard? Let's Roll into the Details!

Hey there, fellow skateboard enthusiast! Are you tired of pushing your skateboard with your foot all the time? Do you ever wish you could glide effortlessly while still enjoying the thrill of riding? Well, you’re in luck because today, we’re diving headfirst into the world of motorized skateboards!

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the exciting possibility of adding a motor to your skateboard. We’ll cover everything from the basics of electric skateboards to the nitty-gritty details of how to make your skateboard motorized. So, grab your helmet, buckle up your safety gear, and let’s ride into the electrifying world of motorized skateboards!

What’s the Deal with Electric Skateboards?

First things first – what exactly is an electric skateboard? Think of it as a traditional skateboard’s high-tech cousin. An electric skateboard, also known as an e-skateboard or e-board, is equipped with an electric motor and a rechargeable battery that propels you forward without needing to push off the ground constantly. Discover how much does a skate deck weigh.

These ingenious contraptions offer a unique blend of the thrill of skateboarding with the convenience of effortless gliding. Electric skateboards are becoming increasingly popular among commuters, thrill-seekers, and anyone who wants to add an exciting twist to their daily transportation.

What's the Deal with Electric Skateboards?

The Many Advantages of Going Electric

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of adding a motor to your skateboard, let’s take a moment to appreciate the perks of electric skateboards:

  1. Effortless Riding: With an electric skateboard, you can effortlessly cover longer distances without breaking a sweat. The motor does the hard work for you, making commuting a breeze.
  2. 2. Speed and Thrills: Electric skateboards can reach impressive speeds, often topping out between 20 to 30 miles per hour. Imagine cruising along at that speed, feeling the wind in your hair.
  3. Eco-Friendly: Many electric skateboards are eco-friendly, running on electricity instead of gasoline, reducing your carbon footprint.
  4. Customization: You have the flexibility to choose the motor power and battery capacity, allowing you to tailor your electric skateboard to your specific needs and preferences.
  5. Practical Commuting: Electric skateboards are a practical and efficient mode of transportation for short to medium distances. They’re compact, easy to carry, and can be parked just about anywhere.
  6. Cool Factor: Let’s be honest, riding an electric skateboard is cool. You’ll turn heads and be the envy of your friends.

Now that we’ve established the awesomeness of electric skateboards, let’s answer the burning question: can you add a motor to your existing skateboard?

DIY vs. Pre-Made Electric Skateboards

When it comes to electrifying your skateboard, you have two main options: going the DIY route or purchasing a pre-made electric skateboard. Both options have their pros and cons, so let’s take a closer look.

Option 1: DIY Electric Skateboard

If you’re a hands-on, tech-savvy kind of person, building your own electric skateboard might be right up your alley. Here’s what you’ll need:


  • Skateboard deck
  • Electric motor
  • Battery pack
  • Speed controller
  • Remote control
  • Mounting hardware

Pros of DIY:

  • Customization: You have complete control over the components, allowing you to build a skateboard tailored to your needs.
  • Learning Experience: It’s a great way to learn about electronics, mechanics, and how electric skateboards work.
  • Cost: Depending on the components you choose, a DIY electric skateboard can be more budget-friendly.

Cons of DIY:

  • Skill Required: Building your own electric skateboard requires some technical know-how. If you’re not experienced, it can be challenging.
  • Time-Consuming: The DIY route takes time, research, and patience. It’s not a weekend project.
  • Safety Concerns: Incorrectly assembled DIY electric skateboards can pose safety risks. It’s crucial to do it right.

Option 2: Pre-Made Electric Skateboard

For those who prefer a hassle-free solution, pre-made electric skateboards are readily available in the market. These come with all the components assembled and ready to roll. Here’s what you can expect:

Pros of Pre-Made:

  • Convenience: No need to source individual components or worry about assembly; just charge and ride.
  • Reliability: Reputable brands offer well-tested and reliable electric skateboards with warranties.
  • Safety: Pre-made electric skateboards are designed with safety in mind, reducing the risk of accidents.

Cons of Pre-Made:

  • Limited Customization: While some pre-made boards offer customization options, they may not be as flexible as a DIY setup.
  • Price: Quality pre-made electric skateboards can be a bit pricey compared to DIY options.
  • Less Learning: If you enjoy the process of building things, you’ll miss out on that aspect with a pre-made board.

How to Add a Motor to Your Skateboard

How to Add a Motor to Your Skateboard

Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and get into the exciting process of turning your regular skateboard into an electric one! If you’re up for the challenge, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add a motor to your skateboard:

Step 1: Gather Your Components

Before you start, you’ll need to gather all the necessary components. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

  • Skateboard deck
  • Electric skateboard motor kit (includes motor, speed controller, and battery)
  • Mounting hardware (screws, nuts, and bolts)
  • Tools (screwdrivers, wrenches, drill)
  • Safety gear (helmet, knee and elbow pads)

Step 2: Choose the Right Motor Kit

Selecting the right motor kit is crucial. Consider factors like the motor’s power, battery capacity, and compatibility with your skateboard deck. Most motor kits come with a motor, a speed controller, and a battery.

Step 3: Prepare Your Skateboard Deck

Make sure your skateboard deck is clean and free of any debris. Remove the trucks and wheels if they’re already attached. You’ll need a clear deck to work with.

Step 4: Mount the Motor

Attach the motor to the skateboard deck. This usually involves drilling holes for the motor mount and securing it tightly with screws. Ensure that the motor is aligned properly and securely fastened.

Step 5: Install the Speed Controller

Connect the speed controller to the motor and the battery according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This is the brain of your electric skateboard, controlling the power output to the motor.

Step 6: Connect the Battery

Securely attach the battery pack to the skateboard deck. Make sure it’s well-balanced to maintain stability while riding.

Step 7: Test and Fine-Tune

Before you take your newly motorized skateboard for a spin, test the system thoroughly. Check that the motor responds to the speed controller, and make any necessary adjustments to ensure everything is working smoothly.

Step 8: Reattach Trucks and Wheels

Once you’re satisfied with the setup, reattach the trucks and wheels to your skateboard. Ensure they’re securely fastened to prevent any wobbling or instability.

Step 9: Safety Gear and Test Ride

Safety first! Put on your helmet and any additional safety gear you have. Take your electric skateboard to a safe, open area for your first test ride. Practice starting, stopping, and turning to get a feel for your newly motorized board.

Step 10: Enjoy Your Electric Skateboard

Congratulations! You’ve successfully added a motor to your skateboard. Now it’s time to enjoy the thrill of effortless riding and the envy of your fellow skaters.


Now that you’re well on your way to electrifying your skateboard, let’s address some common questions that riders often have:

  1. Are motorized skateboards legal on the streets?

The legality of riding a motorized skateboard on public streets varies depending on your location. In many places, electric skateboards are classified as electric personal assistive mobility devices (EPAMDs) and are subject to similar regulations as electric scooters and bicycles. Always check your local laws and regulations to ensure you’re riding within the legal boundaries.

  1. How far can I travel on a single charge with an electric skateboard?

The range of an electric skateboard depends on factors like the battery capacity, rider weight, terrain, and speed. On average, you can expect a range of 10 to 20 miles on a single charge for most electric skateboards. High-end models with larger batteries may offer even greater range.

  1. What maintenance is required for an electric skateboard?

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your electric skateboard in top condition. This includes checking the motor and speed controller for loose connections, cleaning the deck and components, and inspecting the wheels and bearings. It’s also important to follow the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines for your specific skateboard.

  1. Can I ride my electric skateboard in the rain?

Most electric skateboards are not designed to be water-resistant or waterproof. Riding in wet conditions can damage the electronics and pose safety risks. It’s best to avoid riding your electric skateboard in the rain or on wet surfaces. If you must ride in wet conditions, take extra precautions and consider protective measures like waterproofing your electronics.

  1. How fast can electric skateboards go?

The top speed of an electric skateboard varies depending on the model and motor power. Entry-level electric skateboards typically reach speeds between 15 to 20 miles per hour, while high-performance models can exceed 30 miles per hour. Always wear appropriate safety gear, especially when riding at higher speeds.

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it – a comprehensive guide to adding a motor to your skateboard and transforming it into an electrifying ride. Whether you choose the DIY route or opt for a pre-made electric skateboard, the thrill of gliding effortlessly through the streets awaits you.

Remember, safety always comes first. When it comes to skateboarding, remember to wear your helmet and protective gear, obey local laws, and practice safe riding techniques—whether you’re in jeans or any other attire. Whether you’re using your electric skateboard for commuting, cruising, or just having fun, it’s an experience like no other.

Now, go out there and enjoy the wind in your hair, the pavement under your wheels, and the sheer joy of riding your motorized skateboard. It’s time to roll into the electrifying world of skateboarding like never before!

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