The Types of Pokies You're Likely to Find in a Casino

Online pokies

Virtual pokies can boast a much higher payout compared to offline pokies from traditional land-based casinos, which also take up a lot of space in the gambling establishment. The reasons for this lies in the fact that the employees of the administration of virtual gambling establishments do not need to pay for the rent of luxurious and rich premises, since they are located on the worldwide web, do not need to pay salaries to security personnel who guard the entrance and the environment in a traditional gambling establishment. Also, such casinos don't provide bonuses, and users still need to pay for their own drinks and find suitable clothes to enter the establishment, so there are lower payments than in a virtual casino.

Offline pokies

Nowadays, offline pokies can no longer compete with their virtual counterparts, whose popularity is growing inexorably every day, more and more users of virtual gambling platforms are falling in love with virtual gambling machines. Online pokies gambling can boast a varied variety of storylines, a wide and generous bonus program, high payouts, which has never been in off-line pokies, which are located in traditional land-based gambling establishments. The gameplay is carried out thanks to a single chip, and the principle and concept of offline pokies is quite simple and clear. Also, such pokies take up more space as they are quite real and tangible, while online pokies need much less network space.

Video Pokies

Most users simply go crazy when they open a portfolio of virtual gambling platforms, in which you can find up to several thousand different titles, because the range of most virtual casinos has a wide, rich and variegated variety of gambling entertainment of all kinds and types. You can find pokies with a variety of subjects, because all users of virtual gambling establishments have their own tastes and preferences, but surely each of them can find a pokie with an interesting subject matter for themselves. Gambling software developers today have created a huge number of different video pokies, try not to get lost in the abyss of the best and most exciting online gambling with excellent sound and graphics.

Features of pokies 

Wild symbol

In addition to the basic images in pokies, there are special symbols that have separate functions. One of these symbols is the wild symbol, whose main role is to replace other symbols in the combination. This symbol can bring the user great profits and benefits, because it can also multiply your winnings, so pay attention to pokies that have this type of symbol.

Sticky Wild Symbol

This is a special bonus feature that's present in some virtual casino pokies, and today you can find special wild symbols in almost all models of online pokies. They are able to take the place of the other elements in the formation of a paid chain, speeding up the process. Sticky wild symbols remain in the same place until the end of the gambling game, that is, the drums will rotate on the playing field, and these elements will not move all the same.

Stacked Jokers

This is another bonus option for pokies.  Play pokies for real money online has wild symbols that replace other symbols in combinations. However, this option is rich in the bonus functionality of many online pokies makes the wild symbols fall on the field in whole groups.

Cascading wild symbols

Cascading wild symbols disappear from the playing field after activation, allowing other symbols to appear on the field, allowing users to try again to form a winning and well-paying chain of symbols.

Random wild symbols

In some pokies, wild symbols can only appear at a certain point, which is laid down in the settings of an online pokie. As such conditions may be the formation of certain chains of symbols, the appearance of animation or video, which is why these wild symbols are called random. However, there is no way to provoke and track it, as the developers have thought out a random algorithm for the appearance of symbols.

Scatter symbol

In modern models of pokies there is almost always another special character with interesting functionality, it is called the scatter symbol. However, it will be difficult to find in the classic pokie models with 3 reels and a small number of paylines. The scatter symbol can lead to free spins, paid as well as other symbols.

By Roger Walker

The writer of this article, currently manages his own blog moment for life and spreads happiness, and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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