Typical sports injuries in contact football

Football players encounter and often sustain sports injuries in the process. In a football match, fun and combat come first.

Most often, injuries happen directly during the game, the Achilles tendon can be torn or the meniscus is injured, there can be lacerations on the head and much more.

Football is a diverse sport on the pitch. But often in the Champions League and like you, all the hot players can be seen on the faces distorted by pain. Luckily, most injuries heal without permanent damage and you can bet on your favorite player again with https://asian-bookies.net/football-betting/.

Here are the most common sports injuries in football:

However, the "footballer's knee" can already force the athlete to take a longer break. Girls and women are also affected much more frequently now than in the past. Legs and feet, that is, the lower limbs, of course, are injured more often in football than arms and hands. Most injuries occur in the knee joint due to sudden, rapid changes in direction. This often results in cruciate ligament tears and meniscal injuries, and lateral ligaments and cartilage can also be damaged. This leads to a longer recovery period. Ankle sports injuries also result from a typical "bone strike". For some time, it was even possible to bet on football on it, in which team the player gets injured first, but now this is no longer possible. That's why football selection is so important, according to this source.

Ligament injuries

Ankle and knee sprains often occur. Ligament injury causes severe pain and sometimes loss of function in the affected joint. In addition, slight blisters and loss of strength are other typical characteristics. After treatment and a short recovery period, the athlete can start training again at his football club.

Ligament injury while playing football

The most common ankle injury is a torn lateral ankle ligament in football players during twisting. The risk is especially high with head jumps, short sprints and quick stops. The treatment is longer compared to a sprain and lasts three to four weeks with a support splint. One of the most serious sports injuries of the knee is a torn cruciate ligament during a long absence of an athlete.

A tape break is clearly recognizable by an audible noise. Other signs are knee pain and visible swelling. Player out for at least 6 months following surgery.


The most common sports injuries in football include muscle fiber rupture and muscle strain. Caused by a sudden stop in front of the ball or a sudden change in direction. The muscles that connect the pubic bone to the femur are most commonly affected. When the muscles are overstressed, ruptures of the muscle fibers occur. There may be fiber ruptures in the thighs or calves. In case of muscle strain, the victim comes to his senses again in one to two weeks. The healing process of a muscle fiber rupture takes much longer. Then a six to eight week break from playing is the norm.

Broken bones (fractures)

Bone fractures (fractures) are one of the classic football sports injuries. Collisions, turns, kicks, and falls are common causes of bone fractures. Prolonged overloads can lead to fatigue fractures. Breaks are always associated with long downtime. The most common fractures:

  • Ankle fracture and patella fracture.
  • Fracture of the tibia and dislocation of the tarsus.
  • Clavicle fracture and rib fracture.
  • Hip fractures and metatarsal fracture.
  • Fracture of toes.

Sports injuries to the face usually result from a collision with another player. This then leads to painful fractures of the nose and cheekbones or eye injuries. Serious bruising under the eyes occurs if the ball hits directly into the eye. Serious falls can result in broken arms, wrists, or shoulders. The shoulder is dislocated, and sometimes even the collarbone is broken.

Meniscus injury

Meniscal injuries can be the result of an acute event or degenerative. Pain manifests itself at the level of the joint space in the form of joint effusions or strangulated phenomena. Pinching should be removed surgically as soon as possible. Fresh tears (torn meniscus) need to be treated promptly with sutures, which is usually possible using minimally invasive techniques.

By Roger Walker

The writer of this article, currently manages his own blog moment for life and spreads happiness, and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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