Prurigo. Reasons. Symptoms. Diagnostics. Treatment

Prurigo is an extremely unpleasant dermatological disease with signs of itchy dermatosis. This itching is especially common in childhood; it is less common in adults and has certain causes. There is also nural prurigo, and this is the rarest type of disorder.
The disease is manifested by the formation of small nodules with wet sacs in the middle. Their spread through the body causes almost unbearable itching, and therefore the patient actively combs the lesion until a deep abrasion occurs. The symptoms of pathology are extremely specific, so it is quickly detected.

The diagnosis of itching is made on an outpatient basis in a dermatovenereological polyclinic. Usually, the patient is prescribed gentle treatment, which includes taking vitamin complexes, sedatives and antihistamines, as well as physiotherapy.

The content of the article
Causes of skin diseases
Symptoms and clinical manifestations
Diagnostic and therapeutic measures
Causes of skin diseases
The causes of itching are different and based on their study, a specific treatment method is chosen. In clinical practice, manifestations of senile skin itching are most often observed: the disease mainly affects women after 50 years. It is much less common in middle-aged patients.

The main cause of the disease is sensitization (hypersensitivity) of the body to various allergens. Various foods are commonly referred to as basic sensitizers.

In children, itching occurs mainly as a reaction to the components of breast milk. The development of the disease in infancy may indicate the rejection of milk proteins in his intestines.

Allergic causes of itching in adults include regular consumption of mushrooms, citrus fruits, strawberries, honey, chocolate, flour products and some types of fish. Spices, cold cuts, spicy and fatty foods, caffeinated drinks and alcohol are often used as provocative food.
An important role in the development of itching in children is played by their constitutional and genetic propensity to develop anaphylactic reactions. This factor also manifests itself in infancy, when the child has various intestinal fermentopathies or exudative diathesis.

In both children and adults, itching can be caused by various auto sensors.

Beignet's itch is associated with diffuse neurodermatitis and very often occurs in the context of neuropsychiatric problems in adults. People suffering from neurosis, neurasthenia and insomnia (sleep disorders) automatically fall into the risk group.

Among the pathological causes, that is, concomitant provocative pathologies, it is worth highlighting:

Diabetes mellitus;
Autoimmune dysfunctions of various types and genesis;
Chronic hepatitis, especially viral hepatitis C;
cirrhosis of the liver;
Malignant and benign tumors of internal organs.
Some scientists express the opinion that the development of itching is directly related to epizoonoses caused by bites of various types of insects - ticks, fleas, mosquitoes.

This hypothesis has been repeatedly confirmed by positive allergy tests with parasitic antigens in different patients. In addition, it is impossible not to take into account the seasonality of the disease and its scale in rural areas.

Symptoms and clinical manifestations
The development of itching in young children vaguely resembles atopic dermatitis. Small scattered plaques appear all over the body, which eventually acquire bubbles with a transparent exudate inside. The bubbles burst, leaving precise erosions in place, which are quickly covered with serous crusts.

The rash very often spreads in places of bent limbs - in the holes of the knees and elbows. It can also be located in the area of the feet and palms, but in this case the plaques themselves reach large sizes - 5-7 mm in diameter.

Papulovesicles may have an edematous base and a distinct red border, so they can be confused with lichens. The child actively combines inflammatory deposits, as a result of which multiple abrasions appear in their places.

Along with the visual manifestations of itching, the child may feel the instability of the emotional background. He can be moody and whine, sleep poorly and refuse to eat. Irritation of children in the active phase of the disease can be caused both by the course of the disease itself (uncomfortable tolerance and general intoxication) and by the peculiarities of the constitution (instability of the nervous system).
In some cases, accelerated self-treatment of the disease is reported, especially if the mother was able to identify and eliminate potential irritants from the child's diet in time (cow's milk, formula for artificial feeding). Regression happens quite often, but there is another, opposite scenario.

A child has itching that was not diagnosed and treated in time, adults have developed chronic dermatitis, eczema or chronic itching. The progression of the disorder is clearly visible by the presence of a whitish skin sample on the child's body, suppression of the abdominal reflex and disappearance of the plantar reflex.

During the development of complications, the child has dehydration (dehydration) of the skin, lack of sweating, a significant increase in inguinal lymph nodes.

If you suspect that you have a disease, pay attention to the specific symptoms:

The presence of spherical or conical papules in the abdomen, perineum, buttocks, back and extensors of the legs or arms;
The color of the rash is pink, sometimes brown or dark red;
Severe itching in the skin lesions;
The presence of transparent exudate in papules;
Multiple irritation in the places of bursting of bubbles.
Prurigo is characterized by a prolonged acute course. It can also have a chronic form, as a result of which severe irritability, sleep disorders and nervousness are added to the main symptoms.

Elements of itching are also prone to the addition of third-party infections and, as a result, furunculosis, pyoderma or folliculitis may occur against the background of the underlying disease.

Diagnostic and therapeutic measures
It is relatively easy to recognize pathology by its specific manifestations. However, differential diagnosis always involves the use of additional procedures.

The process of medical diagnostics includes the following stages:

personal consultation with a dermatologist;
Bacterial seeding of skin scratches;
Consultations of highly specialized specialists (usually a gastroenterologist and an endocrinologist) to confirm and exclude the presence of problems from the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland;
Tests for dysbiosis;
Ultrasound of the liver, spleen and pancreas;
Liver functional tests;
In-depth study of pancreatic enzymes.
By itself, the assessment of symptoms and signs does not provide objective indications for therapy, and treatment of itching may be ineffective.

Complex therapy includes the following activities:
A diet with the complete exclusion of potential and actual allergens from the patient's diet;
Deworming (when parasitic infestations are detected);
Rehabilitation of foci of chronic infection (especially treatment of caries and pulpitis);
Treatment of diseases of the digestive tract;
Elimination of dysbiosis;
Enzyme-vitamin therapy;
Appointment of sedatives (including natural ones);
Use of local glucocorticosteroids;
Physiotherapy procedures.
If your family is suddenly concerned about itching, talk to your doctor about the correct diagnosis and choosing the right combination therapy. And let everything said remain known to you only in theory. Be healthy!

By Roger Walker

The writer of this article, currently manages his own blog moment for life and spreads happiness, and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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