Online Gambling Meets Cryptocurrencies: Crypto Games Are Born

The turnover of the online gambling industry is approximately 53.7 billion dollars a year. From online poker to slots and sports betting, there are literally thousands of games and platforms that you can play for real money.

Now, with the expansion of the crypto universe, many of these services also offer crypto games, which are a fusion of digital gambling and the world of cryptocurrencies, a great example of this is the casino

What are crypto games

First of all, we should not confuse crypto games with crypto games: the term “games” refers to gambling and online betting, and crypto games are video games related to the world of blockchains and cryptocurrencies. To be clear, the cryptogame is CryptoKitties, an online NFT game with collectible "play to earn" type images (literally "play to earn"). On the other hand, in crypto gaming, games are always gambling and use cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum instead of traditional ones like Euro.

Apart from the currency, there are no significant differences between classic online gambling and crypto games. Most online casinos also offer both a browser version and a mobile app, so you can play anywhere as long as you have a powerful enough device to run the software. Online casinos are developing every day, find out what awaits us in a few years by clicking on this link.

The universe of cryptocurrencies is vast and complex, study it well before taking any risks.

A Few Reasons to Try Crypto Games

Gambling online in cryptocurrencies makes sense for those who are already using them for shopping or trading. The universe of cryptocurrencies is vast and complex, there are thousands of projects behind the many tokens and coins released to the market, and many of them are speculative microbubbles or full blown scams. If you do not know how to navigate this world (and the world of gambling) well, we recommend that you start with traditional versions of games and explore the crypto universe before delving into it.

One of the reasons why some people prefer to play cryptocurrency casino games is that in this way financial movements are not tracked by the tax office or the bank. This aspect of regulation is also changing, so we advise you to be well informed, since in theory every individual is required to include cryptocurrencies in their tax return.

In any case, until cryptocurrencies really start to be used as a payment method, and not just as an investment asset, cryptogaming is also destined to remain a niche phenomenon.

What do you need for crypto games

From a practical point of view, starting crypto games is very simple. You just need:

  • Secure cryptocurrency wallet.
  • An account on a gambling site that also offers crypto games.
  • The device for the game (you can also mobile).

Setting up a wallet and game accounts isn't difficult for anyone with any internet experience, and there are plenty of guides on the internet anyway.

Important and less obvious aspects to keep in mind are others:

  • The device must be fresh and powerful.
  • The device must be secure - install an antivirus and keep it up to date.
  • Accounts must be secure: use strong passwords and two-factor authentication. To do this, it is better to play on a mobile phone so that you can use biometric access systems (fingerprint and face recognition).
  • Store your wallet passphrases carefully because, unlike passwords, if you lose them, you can't recover them and can never access your wallet again.

The last point is very important and occurs more often than you think. For example, this happened to Stefan Thomas, one of the first people in the world to buy bitcoin. Stefan saved the transaction codes in his wallet and then lost the sheet on which he wrote down the passphrases. Now this capital would be about 220 million dollars, but due to the lack of access to the wallet, this money is lost forever.

By Roger Walker

The writer of this article, currently manages his own blog moment for life and spreads happiness, and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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