Online clothing store. Dropshipping

Do you want to start a business, but you can't afford it because you don't have the start-up capital? In fact, this is not a problem - you can open an online clothing store even without initial investments, and it is not difficult to do this. Today we will talk about online earnings using the dropshipping system.In this article, we will look at step-by-step instructions for opening a profitable store on Vkontakte social networks. Yes, you heard right, at the initial stage you do not need to think about creating a large expensive website, it is enough to create a group in Vkontakte, as it is almost cost-free.You may ask why: “almost no cost"? Creating a group is absolutely free, but in order to promote it quickly and receive stable orders, you will need to advertise your brainchild, both in a variety of free and paid ways. We will try to find out more about the promotion of the Vkontakte group in our next articles.Well, let's take it all in order.What will you need?- Desire.- The time.- The computer.- Phone number.- Perseverance.- Basic social media skills.- Ability to communicate with clients.Step number 1. Create an online store group.Vkontakte needs to create a group in which you will post and sell products. It's very simple - if you've done the registration and filling out your page, then you can create and design a group too. Choose a name, add a product, and prepare a description that will attract customers.Here is one example of a group on a social network selling fashionable women's clothing.I would like to draw your attention to how many subscribers this group has: 529,877 people, and these are all potential buyers who receive new product offers every day, join the group, watch, choose, and most importantly buy.Stepping aside a bit, I would like to note that few boutiques in a shopping center can boast of such a large audience.Step number 2. Search for suppliers.We will proceed from the fact that we do not have the start-up capital to make a wholesale purchase of goods. Therefore, it is worth starting a search for suppliers who are willing to cooperate on the dropshipping system. This is a relatively new type of partnership. In other words, the supplier provides you with photos of products without company logos, and you post them in your store. The customer places an order for you, and you transfer it directly to the supplier, who is already engaged in the delivery of the goods. Where can I find suppliers? You have a search engine, as soon as you enter the query "dropshipping clothing suppliers", you will immediately see how many stores and factories are ready to cooperate with you. There are several schemes for making your profit.- If you take a 100% prepayment, then transfer the actual cost of the product to the supplier's account, and keep your partner percentage for yourself.- If the customer wishes to pay for the goods by cash on delivery, the difference will be refunded to you by the company after receiving the payment from the buyer.If you're looking to make money online, you can easily find hundreds of companies that offer dropshipping jobs. Feel free to offer your terms to the supplier companies, as they are interested in you selling their product.Typing a query on the Internet "clothing suppliers dropshipping" here is the result of the first two:And there are hundreds of such sites that offer this type of collaboration.All that remains is to choose the product that you like and the conditions that are right for you.Step number 3. Launching the store.When you find the suppliers and receive photos of the products from them, all that remains is to post them and sign them. Specify the price based on your margin. Conduct promotions and sales in order to attract customers. You can also hold contests to grow your store's audience, and encourage customers to bring friends with bonuses and discounts.That's basically it - as you can see, the operation scheme of the clothing store is quite simple. All you need to do is implement it and earn income.We hope that our article will help someone in carrying out business using the dropshipping system, leave feedback and share your experience! Order effexor online, effexor xr price cheap.

By Roger Walker

The writer of this article, currently manages his own blog moment for life and spreads happiness, and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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