how to respond to customer feedback

Customer feedback on the web can help you positively as long as you have the tools to use them to your advantage. On many occasions, we associate the word “critic” with a negative opinion, but everything will depend on the glass with which you look at it. We simply must take it as a springboard to improve.

How to respond to customer feedback?

The client who is not happy with the service or product will comment about 10 people about their experience. It is also true that approximately 90% of companies do not know why they lost a client and this is where you must learn to use the web to play in your favor.

Listen to your customers

A good way to listen to your customers will be to have an opinion site, where you could include ratings of your product; You would open a fast and direct channel to find out what experience each client had with your company.

People like to be heard. Knowing that they have this space just to listen to it will increase their comfort and want to continue enjoying your services.

Detect the reason or cause of your dissatisfaction

Dissatisfied customers are even more profitable than satisfied customers because through these you can improve your products or services. Criticism will allow you to spot the root problem; This way you can quickly identify the fault and get a solution as soon as possible. This could save that customer before he trades you for the competition.

For customer reviews on the web give an assertive response

Sometimes you will not share the negative criteria of your clients, but the best thing you can do is give an assertive answer; I mean an objective response, focused on solving their dissatisfaction, making them feel that you value their opinion and that they are working to get a correction to that problem. As they popularly say “The customer is always right”.

Respond to reviews

A timely response to all possible cases is important, of course, in some situations a repetitive criticism could be answered with an article; never stop answering, try to check every day and depending on the heading of your company, several times a day; Or you can even create a department that only handles complaints and suggestions.

Channel solutions

The fact that you have a space to receive criticism or opinions means that you have to give solutions to the problems posed; Of course, not all will have a solution, but it is important to clarify that if a modification is not required, why it is not considered necessary to make a change. There could be some legal or ethical term by which the company acts like this.

I invite you not to be afraid of customer reviews on the web, they can help you increase your sales on a large scale; even to position your company on the top of the mountain, but remember that you must take care of unsatisfied customers and what better way than to be attentive to their opinions. Listen to them directly and as a result, your quality will increase more every day.

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By Robi

Hi, I am Robi Chowdhury; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety; here is my blogs how to recover from anxiety and how to fight with anxiety. I hope everyone will like my blogs.

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