social media marketing mistakes

Social networks are an excellent solution to increase the visibility of a brand and improve its image. However, these allies can become enemies if do social media marketing mistakes.

With all this audience, most companies have already realized the excellent opportunity it is to be in this medium and included some of the most important networks, for their business, in their Marketing strategy.

Many of them do a very good job and obtain excellent results, however, others do not see the expected repercussions or, in some cases, their presence in networks has harmed them.

These null results, or in the worst of the negative cases, are due to the misuse of networks within a marketing strategy. There are some errors in social networks that not only prevent you from seeing results but can have negative consequences for a business and that is precisely what we will see in this article.

13 social media marketing mistakes

For a brand, having a digital presence is extremely important and for that, it is necessary to strive in the networks. Below, we cite 13 social media mistakes that should be avoided if you want to succeed in the strategy.

1. Do not create a real Social Media strategy

The first mistake that is usually made is not to create a social media strategy before you start using them.

When creating a social media strategy, the objectives of the brand, the buyer persona should be considered and the best way to achieve it will be determined.

By creating a strategy it will be easier to direct the behavior in the networks and in this way you are less likely to make some of the mistakes that you will see later.

2. Failure to choose social networks adequately

A very common mistake is to think that a brand must be in the largest number of social networks to have a strong online presence, however, this is not a guarantee of good results.

It is important to know that being present on a social network takes much more time than is spent making posts. For this reason, you should only create profiles on the networks that you can really dedicate yourself to.

Another common mistake is choosing the network with the highest number of users. Results will only be obtained if the brand is on the network where its audience is.

For example, for a B2B business, it is better to be on LinkedIn than on Facebook, since although Facebook has a greater number of users, on LinkedIn you will find your Buyer Person and consequently more opportunities to do business.

3. Use all networks in the same way

Each of the social networks has its particularities and that is why they must be treated individually. Making the exact same post, at the same time on more than one social network is not a good strategy. Social networks create the feeling of proximity between the brand and the public and this will not be possible.

social media marketing mistakes

4. Not giving the proper importance to the profile

The creation of the profile is one of the most important stages, therefore, it is not necessary to stop completing it completely.

It is important for users to find the maximum amount of information about your business, and for you as well, that’s why this stage concludes before starting to disclose your account.

Another important point about the profile is the choice of images that identify the brand. Despite the fact that all networks must be treated independently, the same brand image must be transmitted in all of them, therefore, be consistent with the logo, colors, message, etc.

5. Forget to post or reply as a brand

This is a mistake that has cost some brands a lot. When making a post or comment it is important to do it politically, remember that the writer is the brand and the personal side should not be allowed to influence the message.

Some brands adopt a quite informal language and funny tone in the posts. It should be done with a lot of common sense.

Something that may be funny for one person may be silly for others, or even in bad taste, therefore, to avoid a negative impression that may cost you not only followers but also customers, it is best to adopt a less controversial tone.

Another important point is about the answers. If someone makes a negative comment, it should be answered in the best possible way, giving a good response that demonstrates the brand’s commitment to solving a problem.

In a comment you should not show irritation or try to justify yourself, this is something very common that is not well seen by the public.

In these cases, it is best to propose solutions and demonstrate with words the brand’s commitment to its users.

6. Do not interact with the public

Interaction is essential to build the relationship between brand and customer that is so sought after on social networks.

For this, there must be dynamism on the part of the brand when a follower makes a comment or has any questions. This is valid for both public and private messages.

By responding to a public message with agility, the brand says, not only to the user who wrote but to the entire community, that they are attentive to their public and that they care.

Responding to a message after a week, for example, is very negative for any brand. In all this time the safest thing is that the user has already contacted the competition.

7. Focus only on increasing followers

Brands seek visibility and a way to achieve it is with the increase in followers, however, this is not a reliable metric since followers may not be the ones indicated to consume the product or service that is marketed. Looking for quality instead of quantity is the best to get good results, therefore, it is not good to become obsessed with the increase in followers, much less buy them.

social media marketing mistakes

8. Copy to competition

It is always important to monitor the competition but in order to know your steps and not to copy them. The innovation and creativity of a brand are factors that attract a lot of attention within a social network, therefore, the more different you are and bring new valuable content to your user, the better will be the acceptance by consumers.

9. Use the networks as an exclusive sales showcase

Social networks aim to improve business indirectly, through them consumers are attracted to a brand, they should not be overwhelmed with promotions and sales attempts.

Just as in a Content Marketing strategy, the vast majority of publications should be useful and valuable information for the reader and only a minimum percentage should be promotional.

10. Post too much or too little

Many posts stifle and lead to loss of followers, very few posts lose interest. There are many factors that will determine the ideal number of publications, each social network is different, the type of business and its audience also influences, the important thing is that an analysis is done to find the ideal number for each business.

Regardless of the number of posts that are made, frequency is another important factor.

If you decide, for example, to post daily, you should keep that pace. For this reason, it is important to create an editorial calendar of publications, this way you will not get lost frequently.

11. Not having someone trained to manage the networks

Managing social media is not something anyone can do in their spare time. It is a task that requires organization and, most importantly, knowing that the company’s voice is transmitted in each publication and comment.

Therefore, to obtain good results, the person responsible for this function must be someone who knows the business, the buyer persona and the objectives of the strategy well.

12. Do not monitor mentions

This is a fairly frequent and serious mistake. Consumers use social networks to express themselves at all times, here they place good and bad opinions on the most diverse topics.

When a brand begins to be known, people start talking about it. Consumers can praise or criticize it, the important thing is to be aware of that and accompany it.

For this reason, monitoring brand mentions are essential, so when criticism is obtained, you can respond quickly in the best possible way.

13. Do not accompany the metrics

Metrics are extremely important in any social media strategy. Only by doing constant analysis will we know that our strategy is on the right track.

Furthermore, in this way, it will be possible to optimize the actions by obtaining some data, such as the best times for publication, the type of content that consumers like the most, etc.

Networks are an excellent tool for a brand to communicate with its customers, however, if the right work is not done, the results will not be the best.

Social networks have a high reach of the ideal audience and it is a strategy with an excellent cost-benefit for any brand, including them in your marketing strategy is something you should do as soon as possible. By not making social media marketing mistakes cited in this article, it will be possible to enjoy your benefits more quickly.

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By Robi

Hi, I am Robi Chowdhury; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety; here is my blogs how to recover from anxiety and how to fight with anxiety. I hope everyone will like my blogs.

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