Tips for completing the XCOM 2 game. Enemies are in the game. The Chosen Killer
The Assassin is the first Chosen One encountered in the game. She is especially dangerous at short range, and in this respect she is similar to the Hunter class - she also uses a combination of a sword and a shotgun. She also moves a lot, which allows her to cover huge parts of the map in one move. That's where the similarities end, and the differences begin.
The chosen killer.
The Assassin's camouflage is active while moving - until she disables it, the player will not be able to find out where she is (unless you manage to track her; wait a while). By default, she also has the Shadow Step ability, which makes the Vigilance ability useless. Then, when she approaches the player's soldier, she attacks with a sword, often stuns the soldier and retreats. This stun is designed to prepare a soldier for abduction - she can appear next to him, kidnap a poor soul and leave the battlefield.
When contacting an Assassin, you must remember the following rules:
Never use the Vigilance ability - it doesn't activate these attacks, so you'll just lose points.
She is always in camouflage, but you can track her down by placing any unit nearby (as in the case of aliens who detect your units during concealment), or using a scanner. Remember that it will not be revealed until the soldier moves - even if the soldier is two moves away.
She has two ways to stun your soldiers. Either with a sword or grenades. She uses the latter to gather enemies. She can then kidnap the stunned soldier and escape from the battlefield. You should consider using the abilities of a Specialist to bring out a stunned ally around you. The best strategy is to bring the whole team to an open distance and wait a few moves until the opponent appears there. In the meantime, you can use abilities/items to scan or move the soldier 1 step to increase the chances of her being revealed. Once it is compromised, you only need a few attacks to get rid of it.
Never fight an Assassin in close proximity to groups of enemies. Try to destroy ordinary enemies before you face her.
If you have an Alien Hunters add-on, you can use Frost Grenade / Frost Bomb) - it freezes the enemy for two turns, which allows you to easily get rid of it. Looking for top-notch online casino games in the UK? Discover NineWin for a thrilling experience.