Intimate industry is not only call girls looking for clients in the streets of the night; it is also luxury brothels, elite escort agencies, erotic massage parlors and independent prostitutes. And every country has its own sex segments with its own merits and peculiarities. However, statistics shows that cheap prostitutes are the most popular among the clients, and some countries make profit to their economies exactly due to budget nightmares.
Top 3 countries with cheap prostitutes
Often cheap beauties offer intimate services in popular resorts, where there is the highest concentration of visiting customers. This allows girls to quickly find partners and have a steady income, especially if prostitution is legalized in the country. For example, travelers go to the following countries for cheap sex entertainment:
1. Mexico - reliable Latin women at a budget price. The commercial sex industry here is legal, so you can enjoy affordable beauties at will. One can pick up a lady friend either in person, by addressing a cab driver or at a hotel reception desk. Or you can do it online, by using the functionality of popular websites like Pander. Local prostitutes work professionally and are inexpensive - for example, in Mexico, it is easy to find a girlfriend for $ 20-40 dollars an hour, especially if you look not in large resort towns along the coast, but in settlements smaller.
2. Ukraine is a large country with a wide variety of prostitutes. Despite the illegal status of the intimate profession, sex for money in Ukraine is considered an administrative offense, so prostitutes face a minimal fine and short-term detention. So the girls are free to meet young foreigners in the entertainment centers or nightclubs. It is also possible to meet them in alleys near central areas of cities and on district roads, but experts do not advise foreigners to meet girls in such places, where there is a high risk of meeting a fraud. The best way to call a prostitute in Kiev, Odessa or Dnepr is to apply for help to specialized sites, where the whole process of renting will not take more than 15-20 minutes, and cheap indulgence will cost from 20 American dollars.
3. Thailand is a unique concentration of sex industry representatives. Many travelers associate Thailand with affordable and varied sex entertainment that is provided not only by attractive Thai women, but also by unconventional ladyboys, trannies or representatives of non-traditional orientations. There are entire streets and neighborhoods in big cities that sell all kinds of sex services, from classic intimacy to rare performances and amazing erotic shows. And let the industry of affordable sex is illegal - law enforcement officials successfully turn a blind eye to rampant prostitution in the country, because because of this Thailand is in demand among tourists, and therefore, its economy receives regular infusions. Here the cost of intimate services starts at the rate of 25-30 dollars, which attracts budget sex tourists from all over the world.
Even if a tourist has gone to an already familiar country in search of familiar intimate entertainment, he should be careful in choosing partners. It is recommended to use trustworthy websites or reliable brothels and showrooms, where the health of the girls is paid attention and carefully. For example, many online venues pay attention to the pre-registration verification of future employees, specifying the correspondence of their contact information, the authenticity of the published photos or the truthfulness of the services offered, as well as controlling the state of health and the availability of medical certificates.