How to get to Gamdev: Interview with the founder of Values ​​Value

Gender issue in the gaming industry

According to our salary survey, there are traditionally more men, but the number of women is growing every year. An interesting point: in Gamdev, on average, the difference in the salary between a man and a woman is $ 400. I thought a lot about this difference - this is self -discrimination. The industry is rarely “forks”, where they say: “Our salary is from $ 1,500 to $ 1600.” They ask us: "What are your wishes?" So women simply call salary expectations below than men.

It may also affect the fact that programmers and developers, in principle, receive more, and there are fewer women among programmers. There is real discrimination there. They say: "I do not trust women programmers." You were bitten or what? I know 30 women programmers, are two of them really weak. The share of weak performers among men is much higher.

There are also egregious cases. I know two examples when a woman manager came to a new product, and in one case the technical director quit, and in the other, Tom-Rada said that: “I will not work under a woman.” And went. I believe that this is not connected with the game itself. In the game, discrimination is less than in our country in general. This is one hundred percent. However, we live in a society where we are not surprised at the jokes of secretaries.

Beginner's path to gam-industrial

I would first recommend collecting information about the company in the region and figure out what the game development industry is, what an ecosystem has formed around it, as well as go to see forums and conferences like Games Gathering. People who cannot estimate their level receive about $ 1000. “Midl” (average level - ed.) - $ 1000-1200. “Signora” (high -level specialists - ed.) - $ 2000. I propose to more accurately look at the salaries for Ingame Job.

Next, you need to understand what you have talents and what you like to do. To form a development plan and include participation in competitions in the development of games, not to be shy to be served, participate in testing games. The courses are also important. For example, in Kyiv there are Games Academy, where there are courses in different specialties. I would recommend courses on the educational platform Devtodev.

Assess yourself correctly

When you want to evaluate yourself, that is, such a short algorithm: determine your priorities - to develop skills or get money here and now. You need to calculate your needs, how much you need at least for life. Next, you need to study the market and understand who takes how much and how much gives. Then already calculate your cost. In junior experts, a salary of an average of $ 600.

By Roger Walker

The writer of this article, currently manages his own blog moment for life and spreads happiness, and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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