Bedroom interior. Basic Styles

In any home, the bedroom plays a special role. In order to feel comfortable and relax not only with your body, but also with your soul, you need to carefully approach the issue of the bedroom interior style.Constructivism is considered one of the youngest styles of architecture. This direction is perfect for young and active people. The main emphasis in the interior is made with the help of a game of colors and lighting. The rooms are decorated in this style with unusual paintings.Furniture should be given special attention. The designs should be as comfortable and functional as possible. Wood, metal, stone act as the main materials. Additional materials are prohibited. Special attention should be paid when picking up the bedspread. No matter how it seems, and this is a very important part of the bedroom interior. If the bedspread is gorgeous, then the whole bedroom will be luxurious.Conservatism does not resist development and does not argue with fashion trends. At the same time, solidity and respectability are two words that are associated with conservatism. Mostly natural materials are used. These include: marble, wood, stone, etc. The use of bright, too conspicuous, sharp colors is excluded.The decor is books, statuettes, sculptures. Preference is given to expensive durable furniture that will serve more than one generation. The material used is oak. Curtains of classic tailoring are on the windows. Floor lamps and lamps will serve as an ideal light source for such an interior. Such a bedroom will appeal to those who do not like to change the situation often, but in life they are firmly on their feet.Minimalism is the complete opposite of the previous bedroom interior. It is embodied in simple geometric shapes. The minimalist interior includes only the necessary minimum. It comes to life thanks to the play of light. The active rhythm of life and, of course, stress, which has become a habit, encourages many designers to create interiors, the main emphasis of which lies on relaxation.The main thing in a minimalist style is simplicity. No more than three colors are usually used in the bedroom interior. Natural wood, concrete, stone and a glossy surface are perfect for such an interior. You can safely experiment with texture combinations. For the interior in a minimalist style, futon beds, "a bed floating in the air" are perfect. Soft diffusing light gives peace of mind.

By Roger Walker

The writer of this article, currently manages his own blog moment for life and spreads happiness, and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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