Energy is often a major expenditure for a household. Luckily, there are measures you can take to try and reduce your bills, starting with checking your home for potential sources of draughts.


Double or triple glazing is the best way to minimise the draughts travelling through windows. Silicone sealant or self-adhesive foam tape can be used to block any gaps in the frame and edges.


Both external and internal doors can allow draughts to enter, especially if they are poorly fitted. Weather stripping for external doors, as well as brush strips or draught excluders, can help block cold air. Keyhole covers can also be useful. For pet doors, insulated or magnetic options should seal tightly shut when not in use.

Lofts and Roof Spaces

Missing tiles, damaged flashing, a poorly fitting loft hatch or lack of insulation all open the space at the top of your house to draughts. Silicone is the traditional material for roof sealant, but retailers such as offer a hybrid polymer alternative. Draught-proof strips are available to seal loft hatches.

Walls and Floors

Gaps can be found in walls, skirting boards and hardwood floors, all encouraging draughts. Plaster or filler can be used on walls, caulk on skirting boards and filler on floorboards to fill those gaps.


You need features such as air bricks and extractor fans to ensure good airflow, but poor installation or design can lead to draughts flowing the wrong way. Purchase a cover for your air brick or fit a backdraft shutter to your extractor fan to reduce the risk.

Cables and Pipes

External taps and heating pipes in particular are often required to travel through walls. If you do not seal the gaps around the pipe or cable with a substance such as silicone sealant or expanding foam, draughts will pass through as well.

Draughts can make your home significantly colder and therefore require you to spend more on heating. By checking and insulating potential entry points for cold air, you can hopefully reduce your costs.

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