With the release of the film ‘Life on the Road’ starring the bumbling boss David Brent from BBC’s the Office, this August, we can catch up with Brent and find out what the wannabe rockstar comedian has been up to since we last saw him in the farewell Christmas Special in 2003. We get to see what he has been up to and how his life has changed since then, and of course following his music career with his band ‘foregone conclusion’.

The series struck a chord with so many people, who laughed along with Tim’s practical jokes he played on Gareth, David’s embarrassing faux pas, and Gareth’s often unconventional views of the world and fascination with the army. With so many of us working in an office environment, you can often find yourself drawing comparisons to co-workers and some of the characters from the show.

Of course, David was fired from his job at the end of series 2, unfortunately whilst dressed in a costume of a man riding an ostrich, and went on to become a travelling salesman using his car as his office – he could create a small waiting room outside his car door with some Reception Chairs at a great cost from sites such as bestbuy-officechairs.co.uk/reception-chairs/.  He also released his own version of the song ‘If you don’t know me by now’, which he funded himself, by setting up his own record company (juxtaposition records!).

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You can’t mention David Brent and not mention the famous dance that he performed for everyone on Comic relief day which left his staff bemused and amused and the nation crying with laughter, as he couldn’t bear the thought of Neil being the entertainer he so wanted to be, so he came up with his own impromptu effort!

If you want to see more of Davids’ musical ability, check out learn guitar with David Brent series on YouTube, as he plays guitar and sings along to some hilarious songs he has written, including the song ‘Equality Street’ that he released for Comic Relief.

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Of course working in an office is a very different experience for everyone, but at times, everyone wishes they had a boss like David, who is basically just a chilled out entertainer (his words!)

By Roger Walker

The writer of this article, currently manages his own blog moment for life and spreads happiness, and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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